
Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why
is this happening to me?” …

Have you experienced arguing with a
partner or friend and thinking, “Why can’t he or she change?” … Or,
what about when you’ve faced a pattern of torment and thought, “Why
am I going through this again?” …

            Many times, we find ourselves in situations that are less
ideal than we’d like. We may also find ourselves blaming others for how we
feel. All the while, we continue to feel helpless in making a difference in our
own lives and that of others. It can be difficult for us to change, so as humans,
we often choose to play the role of a defeatist, no matter how painful it can
be. After all, a familiar destructive cycle is better than experiencing a life
of unknown results, right?

            As inconceivable as this may sound, it is the norm for many
of us. Change can be difficult in so many ways. It can be downright
uncomfortable. We hope and pray for change to happen, but we continue to remain
unmoved as we deal with what’s happening to us. The truth is, how
we feel inside isn’t caused by what is happening outside of
ourselves. Everything starts within us. Every change we desire, every stagnancy
we face, every hope, fear, and even prayer originates from within. We are
ultimately responsible for all of what we see happening before us.

            Our environment is a projection of how we perceive
ourselves. The people who we continually allow to cause us pain might reveal
our unconscious belief which states, “We
deserve this.” We often feel stuck in situations, but only because we feel
stuck within ourselves. If our life isn’t the dream we had hoped for, then it
may be that we are unable to create greater than our limited imagination, if unconsciously you don’t believe you deserve
better. If you want to see the change in your outer world, then you must
be the positive change in your inner world. True lasting change starts
from your self-evaluation and true desire to evolve past your current state.

            There was a time in my life when I used to blame the world
for my actions. I blamed my family, friends, teachers, colleagues, bosses, and
I even blamed the weather for my behavior. I had created an identity of blame
for things I thought was outside of my control. 
By doing so, everything in my life felt disastrous. I felt defiant, and
my emotions were disorderly. I had spiraled down to apathy, until I lost the
meaning of my existence.

            It wasn’t until I learned the power of personal responsibility,
when things started to rapidly shift towards my favor. I wanted so bad to
change myself, and when I made the decision to do so, everything around me
started to change. I could not immediately grasp the correlation of my outer environment
with my innerenvironment, but as I continued to diligently work on
myself, the results of what was outside of me, started to positively shift. Once
I acknowledged this link, I continued to journey inward. I soon realized
everything I saw in the world wasa reflection of my being. I learned
how to take responsibility for my actions and reactions. I learned to get
myself out of situations I didn’t want to be in, because I knew they weren’t
reflecting who I was inside anymore. I found empowerment in taking
responsibility, and with that power, I changed my world.

            We all have the ability to change, just by choosing to take
responsibility for your actions and situations. What you see out there is ultimately a reflection
of what you carry inside of you, whether good or bad. I lovingly challenge you
to go inward and explore, with sincere curiosity, not judgment. I invite you to
ask yourself, “What is it within me that causes me to stay in this
situation?” Or, “What
is it within me that I can change to prevent me from repeating the same
negative patterns?”  STOP blaming
the world for your perceived failures. Be fearless and begin the process of change
within, NOW. Shift your focus to the one person you DO have full control over – YOU.

            Take the journey to dig deep and figure out what
it is about you, which allows you to attract anything displeasing in
your life. Understand the part your mind and heart plays, then learn to
forgive yourself. Practice the power of self-love and forgiveness. The path to
forgiveness is never the easiest, especially when there is pent-up anger we
want to direct atsomeone else. However, you must put down your sword and
shield and be brave enough to face your fears head on.

            You can take responsibility for everything you have
allowed into your life. Let go of the resentment. Let go of the anger. Let go
of the fear. Take this enlightened journey within, and YOU CAN claim
your personal power. Take the time to look at how you’ve been mishandling your
life. Find kinder, more positive ways of thinking, being, and
doing. Practice empathy and understanding for yourself and others. This, my
friends, is when the real magic happens in your life.

            True lasting change in your environment or situation starts when you
change. When you determine what is truly right for you, then take the action
aligned with your personal truth. When you shift your way of being, things around you
will naturally shift with you. Be bold and seek to understand how you are
responsible for your life and everything in it. The journey starts within.
Happy exploring, my friends.

            “You can be the change you want to see in Your world.” – Ghandi